Friday, February 27, 2015

ConfigEngine webdav-deploy-zip-file results in MissingAccessRightsException (WP 8.5)

Last night I needed to deploy some updates to the static portion of my WebSphere Portal v8.5 theme, which is something I've done many times before without issue.  The developers provided a .zip file containing the changes they'd made via WebDAV to the theme on the development server, I dropped it onto my test server, and issued the webdav-deploy-zip-file command with the appropriate (and correct) parameters.

Ninety seconds later, the dreaded words "BUILD FAILED" roll up my console.  Ugh.

Oh boy, here we go again...
"Exception found when executing wsadmin" is fairly cryptic, so I went through the trace logs and found that the process was failing shortly after starting the wsadmin session with the the error " EJPFB0002E: Exception occurred" - this looks bad.

I double checked my parameters, validated my file, checked that my admin account was not locked, and tried again.  Same error.  After double checking everything again, I decided it was time to restart the cluster.  I shut everything down, including the node agents, cleared out the typical temp folders, and brought my deployment manager back online.  Once that was good, I started up all of the node agents and checked the sync status of my cluster:  All green.  I forced a full re-sync anyway.  The re-sync went off without a problem, so I started up the portal servers and watched the logs for any signs of trouble, but there weren't any.

Since everything was still looking good, I went ahead and ran the webdav-deploy-zip-file command again... 10 minutes later, BUILD SUCCESSFUL!  Great!

In summary, if I ever see another MissingAccessRightsException: EJPFB0002E while trying to use wsadmin to deploy a static theme, my first action will be to restart the cluster and try again!

Happy Portalling!